Cásca Shona Duit!!!
God Påske!!!
Happy Easter!!!
Nollaig Shona Duit!!!
Nollaig Shona Duit!!!
Happy Christmas!!!
Nollaig Shona Duit!!! God Jul!!! Happy Christmas!!!
Dromaius egg…
Easter is already over, but since you ask…
St. Mary’s Cathedral in Killarney…
My best friend took me for very unique trip to Killarney recently. Visiting this beautiful town in that charming company made me huge pleasure. It’s good that I took drawing book and pencil with me…
Zabezpieczone: Mo Chara…
New home…
Old place is closed for good. It was out of my hands.
I’m getting along with a new one… step by step.
I was planning to post only my new work here but I’m getting lots of requests to restore the old gallery. Ok, I looked for pics you asked for and sometimes something of old stuff will appear.
Today it’s a tapestry weaved for my friends long ago…
Herzliche Grüße für H. und G.
Happy New Year!!!
Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Daoibh!!!
Godt Nytt År!!!
Happy New Year!!!